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Gayle Baker


Illinois Agri-Women and WCFA are happy to announce the winners of the 2022 scholarships. The Helen Henert scholarship is a $1,500 scholarship is awarded annually to an agriculture education major who will be finishing her degree within the next year. Three WCFA Agent of Change $1,000 scholarships were awarded to students who aspire to positively impact the agricultural industry through their careers.

2022 Illinois Agri-Women Annual Meeting

The Illinois Agri-Women Executive Committee invites you to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting. Join us on February 18th, 2022 at 10 AM. Enjoy a keynote presentation from Emily Reuschel on “You Have the Power” and the IAW Business Meeting.

IAW Honors 2020 Awardees

Illinois Agri Women awards program recognizes farm women and those who support them in their business. IAW accepts peer nominations for the awards. This year IAW is pleased to honor Anjie Erbsen, Nathalie Schmidt, and Penny Lauritzen.

Federal Policy Discussion – May 13th, 2021

Join us for a discussion on Federal Policy with John Rauber of John Deere. This virtual meeting will discuss the Digital Fair Repair Act, infrastructure, broadband connectivity, climate change, and other current policy topics. The event will be held May 13th, 2021 at noon via Zoom.

2021 Scholarship Opportunities

Women Changing the Face of Agriculture, a project of the Illinois Agri-Women, is once again offering four scholarships for females studying agriculture. Application deadline is March 31st.