2023 Outstanding Woman Farmer

2023 Outstanding Woman Farmer: Lynn Curry

Illinois Agri-Women Awards Feature

Lynn Curry is great at keeping things and her husband, Kim, organized on the farm and in the community. She’s always there whenever someone at her many organizations needs her, says Blake Roderick, retired Executive Director of Pike/Scott County Farm Bureau. She produced an excellent play in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of Pike Co. FB and did most of the work. She and her husband Kim have a beef operation and farm many acres in Pike County.

Originally from Griggsville, IL, her farm and ag background served her well at the John Wood Community College Ag Center in Perry, where she welcomed between 60-100 students, and their parents, each year for over 20 years. She’s a member of the Orr Center Research and Demonstration facility. Orr Center is an academic partnership between JWCC and University of Illinois. Upon retirement Lynn joined her daughter and Son-in-law on the farm. Her grandson Cody is in college and is sure to join the family fun.

While at JWCC, she strongly encouraged young women to attend and help Women Changing the Face of Agriculture and was actively involved in the event when it was in Quincy at JWCC. The year before, Lynn and I traveled to Carbondale, Southern Illinois University, to attend the event and be prepared for the upcoming event in Quincy. For over ten years, she’s been actively involved in not only Illinois Agri Women and WCFA but on the board for Illinois Agriculture Resource Council and the chairwoman of the Scholarship Committee. an extremely important part of IAW/WCFA.

Please congratulate Lynn on this much deserved award.

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